Monday, May 18, 2009

rewrite again.. wow !

Finally, i can online already, long long time no post my blog alredy, this is because my pc at home has no internet connection, i mention this because i want to show my anger, ya ~my selfish, stingy housemates la , mainly am talking about one only, cuz he knows that am moving out next month, so, he took out my internet connection on the modem.
But......! theres always some ppl who treats me good one, my an other housemate lo ~jeffery , who offer me the internet connection, cuz he will continue stay in here, so he can use the internet connection as well, he gave me his line, throught out from the window, where other ppl doset know about that. thx jeffrey....@@ omg ~~~hes blur blur infront of me now.
By the way, we have alots assignment to do , just finished one only....haiz ~~still left with bcb and qm. somemore ,final exam is coming on the way next month 28th , how ? how ? how ?
Heheheh~~am moving to the new place next month , hopefully wont fight with menmen , XD!
kk, need out drink something.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

omg ~~leave for a while ,

Now me at cyber cafe, haiz ~~so sian , because my internet connection at home are not work now, for some specific reason , lolx i will i could share in here. Anyway, i may not able to post my blog now....until next month, cuz am going to move to the new place.. wow ~then i can continue post my blog. sorry my dear blog ~~can not take care of u in this 30days....but ya ~,the new room will bring me the new feelings and new everything. most inportant thing is , yaya ~about menmen....okay ~~leaving now , see ya

Monday, May 4, 2009


 又失眠了,不想打电话给men. 想着一些东西.人啊,有的时候你可能会觉得:朋友很多,那么多跟你握手的人,那么多与你吃饭的人,那么多一次又一次对着你微微一笑的人。到夜里时,你会发现朋友是不少:有利益交换的朋 友,大家你好我好都好;有学校的朋友,当你们未形成对抗之前的好搭档;有日日与你寒喧的朋友,却从不讲一句实质性话;有亲戚朋友,当你不借钱给他或借钱以 后催讨绝对要仇恨你的朋友。
解除孤独只能靠相知相爱的人,其余的人忧乱了孤独,反而使人更感孤独。这种通心的朋友,是一剂买不到的良药,能医治各种心理疾患。可能两个人相距万里, 心却近在咫尺;可能思想各成一体,但却气息相近;可能在一起沉默不语,却是彼此心心相印。在牵挂对方的同时自己成为一个牵挂;在想念对方时自己成为一 个怀念;在鼓励对方时自己成为一个鼓励。不庸俗不虚伪不做作,从对对方的尊重中获取尊重,从对对方的关爱中获得关爱。苦恼共担成为半个,欢乐因为共尝 而变成两个。这样的人生,虽苦犹甜,虽悲犹喜。
然而,更多的人的情感是绝境:有的人是不敢付出的;有的是不愿付出;有的人是缺少机会;有的人是不信任它;有的人是得到了然后缘尽散去;有的是得到它利用 它然后失去它;有的则根本没情感这一欲求。当然,更多的人是彼此得不到共鸣,因此在你最需要安慰的时候遭到沉默;在最需要鼓励的时候遭到冷漠;在最需要爱 的时候遭到拒绝。你或许还做过不少有益于人的事,可在你最需要帮助时,人们远离了你,因为你不能再为他们带去他们所需要的东西。这是人类最大悲哀。
 看过一本书上面说过:人的悲剧是理想在现实前的必然悲剧,人的痛苦是心灵面对肉体的必然痛苦,人的孤独是个体遥望宇宙人性的永恒孤独。但我仍穿行在狭长的思想 黑洞里,很想有一个光明的去处,让我这颗敏感的、哀怨的、脆弱的、孤独的灵魂不再怀疑,不再啰嗦,不再混饨,不复杂乃至不反应。
记得罗曼·罗兰说:看清了这个世界,而后热爱它。我该怎样地看得清,怎样地爱呢? 谁知道我心中的忧郁,正如一个颇晓刀路的屠户,将我慢慢地切割,撕裂,分解,并且那么冷静地,不依不挠地。我用血躯和心,一点一点地品味着,记录着,并沉沉地抓住命运,竭力地寻找要拔出来的路径。
感觉自己忧郁的快要出水了.还是什么都放开一边,我还有好多好多assignments. 睡觉吧......

Saturday, May 2, 2009

下午去到了seremban, 朋友prinsess开的店吃饭,是huisan他们和她约好的,之前问了我们是不是要一起去,因为没有什么特别的节目我们就跟去了。
Deyang驾车,基本上35分钟左右的路程。第一次到seremban,感觉这里还不错,可能是因为时间已经是旁晚了吧。感觉自己不是很喜欢很晒的时候出去,可能是怕把自己晒黑了,还有我们人的头皮晒多了也会掉头发的哦,呵呵。一下子就到prinsess家开的店了, 名字叫“食家 ” 食客之家, 一听就觉得是让人来吃好料的地方, 不错的名字, 不知道味道怎么样?(来的路上,huisan他们一直讲什么烧包这些东西, 我也在路上看到了芙蓉烧包城, 呵呵~第一次知道,原来芙蓉就在seremban啊,可是听说好吃的烧包店很早就关店.哎~!还有人嫌赚钱太多的)
我想了好多今晚, 我认不住和men 谈了起来. 基本上是关于我明年要不要去澳洲的事情,虽然我之前决定不去了.但是有些事情让我后悔了.我忽然好像离开这里,要不是你的话, 我早就已经在澳洲了,你知道吗men? 可是我又说了一些让你觉得辛酸的话. 你问我, 可不可以不要每次都这样? 你知道吗?我不想的?谁不想和自己的女朋友好好的生活,开开心心的面对每一个新的一天的到来. 可是有些东西,它不能不让我们去牵挂, 去期盼.
最后我让你给我一个答案, 你给了我想要得到的那个.但是我同时也希望你能明白, 我们选择了就要走到底,多苦, 多累也不能放弃 . 就算是上刀山, 下油锅 ! 不能认输与妥协, 只能坚持. 我说得这么严重, 因为, 必定我们要战胜的不仅仅只是生活上的难题, 更难的是战胜自己!

Friday, May 1, 2009

saving myself ...saving my health

Last night, i went to cyber coffee to play dota with Nic, ya ~actually recently i got play tat game, just i got MH, lol, means i can see other ppls location in the map, so that they couldt gb me..lolx after that i back and try to get some sleep, then the problem comes, no matter how i wanna sleep, somehow i just cant get into the sleep...i felt hot , and swt..damn this weather.. how ppl can continue to live? Now is 1.30pm of next day, i just dont know how ive been going trought till now, but rite now i felt so much better, cuz ya ~i just took shower..
I found i loss a lot hair, i so worry about my hair, i used to be very '' hairy'' , what the problem cuz me loss my hair, i dont know, i use internet to search the reason, maybe i got the Androgenetic Alopecia. i realized maybe is because of my life style before, i used to wallow in clubbing, and i was smok in there and sometimes when i back to my house, i just slept str8ly, cuz i was too tired....omg ~~i cant believe that was my life, i almost screwed myself...
But now , i changed i didt go clubbing anymore , and i quit smoking. why my hair still loss...i think i seriouly need to go watch doctor. i dont wanna go see doctor when am getting bald, that will be too late!!! ya ~~i like to make different hair style, and i like my hair, am willing to give up the things to case hair loss , search from internet ( the sweet foods, spicy foods, eat too salty. and too oil and fried things, BBQ.) By the way, need relax , dont hot temper!!!! and need sleep more fruits with victamins still looking for the way that how to kick away the pressure, and trying to be more emotional stable....
i will post, when i found my hair is less lossing after i changed my life style...