Thursday, April 23, 2009

late post..

i have two days did post already, haiz ~~
i went to taekwondo yester, and i got fall down, my knee now become the black color, kinda pain, and today my whole body is like after i have ran 1000miles...omg ! cant descrip tat feeling.
afternoon, i went to red-box with menmen togather, we thought we go there for practice, cuz am going to join the singing competition on friday which is 2molo, so it's kinda like we go chose the songs to fight with the competitors lolx~~after that we back and i was suggest to buy a whole ayamas chiken to eat..menmen agree with me, cuz we knew that carefour's ayamas were doing the process of redecoration, so we came to subang ss15 that one where naer by the cake sense( the bread shop) . here, has a joke wanna to record is down , haha ~~( all the different flavors of chiken were cooked and display in the cabinet, both menmen and me we like the black pepper one. The shap of the chiken is all opened up ~so it looks like a whole skin onli ( refer to the shew gei ) , carmen ask me to buy the whole one, but in fact that is the whole one. cuz it was totally opened up. i actually dont know what her was talkin about at that moment. haha ~~finally i found out.. see the shape of it (this is darkm just for giving an example).. menmen just thought that was just half of the chiken. so she asked me to buy the other half.. omg even the shpe dose look like a whole chiken one but ~~she never realized. what kind of chiken wil got 4 wings and 4 legs.. hahaahaahaha ~~thats the biggest joke i heard at least within this 3 days. ) end up, we just bought one la ~~cuz i noticed that , of course la ~am not stupid XD.
today, also some bad things happened to me la, sometimes i just donw know , why someppl need to be act like so lanci one. i dont think ppl with really respect u when u act like u are richer than them. somehow, no matter u are rich or poor, it dose matter to others also , so, acted like a asshole just made u become a compeletely, just be modest and congressive plz ~! ppl will more like u then.
Tonite, when i was in Stevons house , menmen got the phone called by Queenie, omg, she said one of the monash gal has been raped in subang area. shock , and i felt so sorry for that innocent gal , and also , makes me realized more how important we should care about our safty.( hopefully, someday that victim can be walk out to the pain )
And , also, sorry again , menmen, sometimes i am too hot temper, ya ~~i notied that too.. and whatever bullshite i said, it dosent change my heart to u...thx for saying that to me , ya i agree, u are my family in here, malaysia...thx, love u .

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