Sunday, April 26, 2009

really ?

I was trying to find a new room to move in, emm ~~
Recently, subang are too damn hot, i mean the weather XD. Long time no rain already, dont know why, i know maybe right now is not raining season, but, i still think it's wired, cuz by my count, already 2 weeks dont have even a bit rain. not only the human being, but all the animals and plants are pity also....God just give me some rain , thx!
Finanlly, i decided that i dont waiting for God save us, well, i will not going to stay here and Die `~:)
am moving out. yoyo !
Actually, stay here is not too bad, the owner treats us nice , and every Sat, she will take her maid come the house doing house keeping. ( cuz all of my housemates are male, sometimes the house will be little bit messy , i think ) anyway, my owner has no problem. if has to find any other reason, i think it's some ppl that stay in the house. Normally, when i found my food has be stolen in the refrigerator, i will be angry. lol, i dont even know who should i angry for, cuz nobody are gonna say " yeah ~~i eat your cake" or something. but i just dont like it, what happened to thoes ppl, eat other ppl's thing is equals to steal. well, maybe, when they see this they probably think am stingy, but what i've been trying to say is ( when u eat my thing, can you plz ask for my permission, cuz something maybe i dont wanna to be shared) If you ask me why, i could give a example.... last few days , it was my first anniversary, so Menmen bought me a black forestcake, cuz she said the cake is significant to us. but i recevied that cake in the morning, everybody knows that morning we shouldt eat too mcuh heavy things , so i ate a half onli , an other half i left in the refigerator, after that we hang out to somewhere.....after i back, it was 8pm already, i had a bit hungry, menmen said we could continue eat taht cake , when she opened my refigerator, she was shock, cuz there onli left a small pic , so , i was bo song lo...This is not onli cake , but also happened to my milk , Orange Juice, even the eggs i bought... they eat my thing , and somemore , one of the jerk said something to menmen, indecates her that dont take the parking space in my yard........ i also stay here gua ~why cant?????????????????????
Besides that, they were fine, so far!
Menmen said, if i find the good enviornment , i will spend more time at home but go out , so i can student , and save more money, even thought the rental maybe higher...Well, i dont know, hopefull i can. cuz i really need do some change about my attitudes of study and myself. sometime really hot temper, i keep wondering the man i become now,, is it really me , cuz before i never angry because of little things, and even something terrible happened i could just sit down and think about the solutions. but now .......menmen says is because of the weather , her mom said that the men used to stay in the air-con room, cant suddenly change to the room without air-con one, if not , he will become hot temper, i agree with that , but is there any sicentific explanination, i dont know , just put myslf into this experiment, and i will write in this blog in the future....
In front of me, there is a cake i bought last nite.. and now am going to enjoy my breakfast..

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