Thursday, April 2, 2009

movie & my mind ...

today 7 of us went to red-box, have sing-k. we just skiped the F&i block lecture, lolx~did not intention. Anyway, today is not bad, cuz we sing since 1pm untill 5something, so long already, we got order a lot of songs, Princeses and Rachel were fresh singer in our group :) . one thing needs to be mentioned, Princeses can sing very good o, her cantonnes songs are so nice, almost like the original one. after that, we back, because i said i dont wanan sleep so earlier, so menmen and me we went to suway pyrimid.....
today's dinner was in MR tapanyaki. actually not too bad, but just waited too long and that made us not feel so good. Oh ya, we got watch the movie "knowing" by Nicholas Cage, i always like his movie. this one also didt disapointed me as well. this story is talking about the prophetical ppl, in the end of the show, the whole world has been distoried by the big big solar flares, it burned everything on the earth, killed everyone except some ppl been chosen by the aliens, because they saved them from the earth to the other planet ( sounds like crazy XD) but it's nice...ya ~nic's little son is one of the lucky person. during the show my neck did not feel so good, menmen went out bought me a bot of water, so touch~~~~@@. thx my ah beee.
2mole need to get the informations about medical check from carmens cousin sis, kelly..cuz i wanna do, recently felt not good with my intestines and stomach, hopefully will be fine, hopefully both of us are gonna be okay !!!

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