Monday, April 20, 2009

Today, sux.....

moring got bcb test, but i screwed up, cuz me and menmen almost did sleep last nite, we were rushing for QM assignment. menmen didt go back cuz the way back to her house was bloack , and she did not no other ways to back her home , hehehe.~~~~ today's test just sux , i got some small pis of paper , which i thought i could use for my exam, but in the end, there were two damn teachers , somehow there were walking around when during the test. Moreover, the content of the test is hard, there were 6 essay questions and 6 MCQ, well , teacher wanted us to finished it within 28 mins( the last 3 mins was added by her) only herself realized tht time is not enought.. whatelse i still can say, just Sux!!!
After that, menmen said she fail, well, i think me too. i feel like i need study mroe but insdead of put my hopes on doing ''cheat cheat papers''...
we went to the polic station to pay her summon, this one is different , cuz she got the summon from the rode where could not part the car, but she did( even thought there were alots cars around)
we were suffering in find that plice station, the truth is , the summon only need to pay RM30. but we used a whole afternoon to find that place. By the way, menmen got apply the parking sticker for herself and also for my housemate Jia Hao. cuz she dose want to get summon any mroe. yea~~i knwo which is expensive, and wasted time to go there and pay , we just need to to more mroe other things.. like study ..maybe :P
at the nite, i went to gym , long time no take body compat, i felt kinda tired~~so need to go sleep now , 2molo still got BCP lecture, F**k off....! sorry , i should speak'F'.
hope menmen will be more luncky 2molo.

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